Saturday, December 16, 2017

WEEK 8: FYP Briefings

FYP Briefing 1 - 18th August 2017, Week 3

In the first Final Year Project 2 briefing , Dr Marwangi is the person who gives out the briefing to the students. The contents of the briefings are :
  • Explanation on the distribution marks in FYP 2, where the weightage are, 40% for Presentation of project, 20% for Logbook/Blog, an another 40% for Project Writing Report.
  • She also reminded us about the plagiarism of report must be not more than 20%.
  • For more details and updates about FYP 2 refer to FYP Unikl BMI Website at or FYP Handbook.

The conclusion from the briefing, we are aware that this course bring a heavy marks that could affect our CGPA, since it carries 6 credit hours. Thus, a very committed and dedicated effort must be put in to the course. Nevertheless of other subjects, this course subject concluded what we have learn throughout the years of degree.

FYP Briefing 2 - 6th September 2017, Week 6

For the 2nd briefing, Miss Pusparini Dewi, had given the briefing on that day. She focused on writing and content in the report. Specifically, in Chapter 1,2 and 3.

      In chapter 1 she emphasized more on writing the introduction with a simple word in order to make the reader or supervisor understands easily without turning the pages many times.
      For chapter 2, Literature Review. As usual this part might gives a lot of score since we are comparing our projects towards the existing project writings. Thus, a lot of reading needed to be done in completing this chapter.
      Chapter 3, methodology part which included the block diagram, flow chart and hardware and software development. Here is the part where reader/supervisor acknowledge the methods that we used.

In conclusion, completing this part is crucial and needed much more focus and a lot of reading.

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WEEK 14 - Presentation Day and Report Writing

The presentation day was held on 15th November 2017 at Gemilang Hall UniKL BMI. The event started at 8am. The assesssors for this project wa...