Activity: Research
more about the project (reading articles with related topics with the project)
Objective: To get
more information about this project.
Figure above shows the type of sound wave of the heart
Content/ procedure:
- Phonocardiogram display is a plot of high-fidelity recording of the sounds and murmurs made by the heart with the help of the machine called the phonocardiograph; thus, phonocardiography is the recording of all the sounds made by the heart during a cardiac cycle.
- From the electronic stethoscope, phonocardiogram displays have to produce a graph and sound form the electronic stethoscope. This is where the point break happens.
Result and analysis: Further research need to be done and
discussion with supervisor is needed in order to see a clear vision of this
Conclusion: Phonocardiogram display is
understood a little bit more in depth during this week research.